Monday 14 November 2011

Personal Photography #3

Animal photography is always fun and tricky at the same time. You end up snapping away liking a crazy person and pray that you got that "aaahhhh" shot you dream about. The best advise I can give anyone trying to photograph an animal is (if possible) get down on your knees (and pray) to get eye-level with the animal. This makes a huge difference and allows the viewer to see the animal up close, almost as if they were as big as the animal it self. I know this isn't always possible but from the photos I've uploaded I'm sure you can see that it really makes the difference. Also, never forget that it's vital to try and capture the personality of the animal you're photographing. There's no point in trying to take a photo of your dog (who is naturally lazy and spends all day on the coutch) running around like mad outside. He won't want to do it and you'll just leave feeling frustrated. Most of all KEEP IT SIMPLE! These are just a few tips I can give you but there are loads of tips on the internet so go ahead and google it if you're still a little unsure! HAVE FUN!!!!

Incy Wincy Spider - ©LeciaAmaral2011

War - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Sneaky - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Birds Of A Feather - ©LeciaAmaral2011

I See You - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Bottoms Up - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Tough Life - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Highlight - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Frog Prince - ©LeciaAmaral2011

Granny Ziggi - ©LeciaAmaral2011

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